MUNI, MUNI, Quite Contrary... March 21, 2013
Muni plans on making some “Spring Break Service Adjustments” – what the rest of us would call service cuts – during Easter Week, from March 25 to March 29... If that isn’t bad enough, Muni is also planning to cut service when school gets out, all summer long. It could be a long, hot summer...
 MUNI Riders and Workers March and Rally March 1, 2010
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The MUNI Fightback March 1, 2010
At the Municipal Transportation Authority (MTA) meeting on Friday, February 26, Frank Lara from ANSWER said it best.
"The MTA keeps trying to pit one section of poor and working class people against each other. We aren't taking it anymore."
See also: MARCH 20: Money for Healthcare, Jobs, Education, Public Services - NOT WAR! March 17, 2010

Two Buck MUNI Fare Plot Hatched in 2005 May 19, 2009
 See also: Buddy, Can You Spare a Buck Fifty? by Tommi Avicolli-Mecca Beyond Chron May 2, 2008
Free MUNI! Free San Francisco! February 1, 2008
Matier and Ross, San Francisco's premier political gossips, say that Mayor Gavin Newsom plunked down $55,000 for a report telling him that making Muni free would get a lot of people to use public transit.
Hey, Gavin, anybody on the street could have told you that for zip. But what really takes the cake is that the well-paid consultants who wrote this report concluded that getting more people to use Muni would be a BAD thing... [more]

The MUNI Fare Strike: The First Month October 4, 2005
See also: Video and Audio clips
MUNI to SF: Pay More, Wait Longer, Keep Quiet August 1, 2005
The Giants Want a Free Ride January 25, 2005
MUNI Fare Hike Next? November 8, 2004

Two photos above courtesy of Bernie Fox. (See www.indybay.org/news/2005/01/1718847.php for more photos.)